
U.S. International Trade Commission Institutes Investigation of Runergy and Adani
U.S. ITC to Determine Whether Runergy and Adani Illegally Infringe Trinasolar’s TOPCon Patents

FREMONT, Calif., November 19, 2024 – Trinasolar US, a global leader in smart solar products and solutions, today announces that the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) has voted to institute an investigation as to Trina’s patent infringement complaint against a number of Runergy and Adani entities (“Runergy and Adani”). 

Having considered Trina’s complaint, filed on September 30, 2024, the U.S. government ordered an investigation of whether Runergy and Adani are in violation of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930. In particular, the investigation will examine whether Runergy and Adani have infringed Trina’s TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) solar cell technology patents. Trina has requested that the ITC issue a Limited Exclusion Order to bar importation, and Cease and Desist Orders to bar further sales and marketing in the United States, of solar cells, modules, panels and components that infringe Trina’s patents.

“Trina is pleased with the ITC’s decision to investigate the unauthorized use of our patented technology,” said Steven Zhu, president of Trinasolar US. “Trina’s commitment to protecting our intellectual property remains firm and we look forward to an expeditious investigation by the ITC.”

The U.S. ITC Notice of Institution of Investigation can be found here: http://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/11/05/2024-25671/certain-topcon-solar-cells-modules-panels-components-thereof-and-products-containing-same 

In addition to this action at the ITC, Trinasolar has separate patent infringement suits relating to TOPCon technology pending against Runergy in the District of Delaware and the Central District of California.